The Minnesota Cannabis Resource Center (MCRC) is a Minnesota public benefit corporation that builds understanding, guides collaboration, and catalyzes solutions for advancing a safe, equitable, sustainable, and thriving Minnesota cannabis industry.

MCRC brings together three critical assets needed for the short- and long-term success of the industry and its stakeholders:

  1. A deep, nuanced understanding of the legal, regulatory, economic, scientific, social, and political issues involved in advancing cannabis policy and industry development

  2. A neutral forum for convening constructive discussions among diverse interests and organizations

  3. Trusted expertise and standing to facilitate challenging discussions, manage decisions, and support actions to shape Minnesota’s cannabis policy and industry for the better

MCRC marks a pivotal evolution in the state's approach to cannabis policy and industry development. Building on the success of the MN is Ready campaign—which served as essential public interest infrastructure that united a diverse coalition of stakeholders to shape Minnesota's cannabis legalization legislation around a core set of principles and objectives—MCRC serves as a permanent entity for continuing this vital work. It ensures that the foundational values guiding the legalization of cannabis remain at the forefront of the industry's ongoing development. By fostering a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the industry and creating a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration, MCRC is a vital resource for shaping the future of cannabis in Minnesota.

What MCRC Does:

Facilitate collaborative policy development

Develop strategies to promote core industry goals

Develop leadership capacity across the industry

Provide research and advice to policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders

MCRC’s Core Goals for Minnesota’s Cannabis Industry


All cannabis products meet high standards for quality and quality management, with a commitment to rigorous testing and evidence-based consumer protection.


Policies, infrastructure, and resources alleviate the disadvantaged economic positions of people & communities of color.


Responsible standards and practices for soils and land use, water, energy generation and consumption, air quality, and waste.


Growth and competitiveness of local businesses against major multi-state operators, fostering a vibrant and resilient Minnesota cannabis market.

Examples of how MCRC can help advance industry goals and address industry challenges:

  • Engagement & Planning

    • Collaborating with economic development and financial entities to ensure equitable access to capital and essential resources for all businesses.

    • Crafting well-defined strategies for the establishment of functional laws, regulations, and governance structures that support industry growth.

    • Facilitating venues for industry members and stakeholders to navigate competing priorities and collaboratively develop unified strategies to seize current and future opportunities and overcome challenges.

    • Facilitating collaborative policy development to align industry practices with regulatory requirements and societal needs.

  • Resources, Capacity, and Infrastructure

    • Developing and executing mechanisms for comprehensive quality management, financing solutions, and workforce development to build a robust and sustainable industry infrastructure.

    • Empowering emerging leaders to take active roles in navigating complex challenges, shaping the legal and regulatory landscape, and contributing to Minnesota's cannabis industry's growth and sustainability.

  • Market Position

    • Enhancing Minnesota's cannabis industry's market position by leveraging its unique culture, commitment to quality, sustainability practices, and other distinctive attributes.

  • Research and Advisory Services

    • Providing research, insights, and expert advice to policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders to inform decision-making and promote core industry goals.

Get Involved

MCRC is in the process of planning key initiatives that will define the future of the cannabis industry in Minnesota. As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite you to be a part of it.

Contact Us Directly